OC Literacy Council
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» OCLC/North Carolina
  (we are in California)

Our council ceased operations in early 2013, though some centers may continue to operate independently. We're leaving the site up as a reference.

The Orange County Literacy Council is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to helping non-English adult speakers improve their ability to speak, read and write English. The Council has been coordinating Literacy and ESL training in roughly the northern half of Orange County California since 1966, and we're the result of a merger between several smaller groups.

The Council itself is a loose collaboration of individual "Centers", each run entirely by volunteers, and classes are always free (though books usually aren't). The Council has no paid staff of any kind. We are associated with Pro Literacy America, the coordinator for volunteer literacy activities in the United States.

COOL - ESL and Fengjie China - an experience by one of our tutors.